Serial console

Even if you cannot do remote access to Jetson tk1 and don't have HDMI display, you can access it using Serial console.
- USB serial converter
You don't need USB serial converter if your host PC have serial port.
- null modem
Jetson's serial port is a female connector, so you might also need gender changer.
- Host PC with USB or serial port
Most of modern PC have USB but serial port.
- Connect Jetson tk1 to host PC with USB serial converter
- Power on Jetson tk1
- Execute folloing command in host PC
sudo screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200
- Login as username:ubuntu/password:ubuntu
Go to next step - Preparing System
You can save messages from serial port of Jetson to file:
sudo stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 115200
sudo cat /dev/ttyUSB0 > log
If you are using USB serial converter in MS Windows, you might be interested in
this news.